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WU Jianhao

WU Jianhao / PHY-MPhil (2023)

Supervised by CHAN Tsang Keung


  • Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Technology, Wuhan University, 2022
  • Master of Science in Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2023
  • Master of Philosophy in Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2025 (expected)

Research Interest

  • Galaxy formation​
  • Dark matter

Research and Professional Experience

  • Summer School in Particle Physics, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2023 July
  • CSST Summer School of Galaxy Sciences, The Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics (KIAA), Peking University, 2023 July
  • Summer Camp, Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2021 July

Awards and Honors

  • Master of Philosophy Postgraduate Studentship (Taken), 2023-2025, given by The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • Finland Scholarship (Declined), 2023-2025, given by University of Helsinki
  • University of L’Aquila Master student scholarship (Declined), 2022, given by University of L’Aquila


  • Guobin Mou, Jianhao Wu, and Yoshiaki Sofue. Cosmic-ray electrons and the magnetic field of the North Polar Spur. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 676:L3, August 2023.

Other Skills

  • Language:
    • Mandarin Chinese (Native), English (IELTS 7)
  • Coding:
    • Coding Languages: C++, Python, C#, Swift, Latex
    • Coding Tools: Git, VSCode, WSL(Ubuntu), Overleaf